For Students

I often get many of the same questions from my students, and usually they have nothing to do with the courses I teach. Mostly, they’re questions about things like how to study, how to pick classes, how to plan their careers, how to organize their time, etc. Given that this advice can probably benefit a lot of people, I’ve decided to share it here for anyone, whether you’re my student or not.

I’ll add more videos to this page as my time permits. If you want to be notified of when I add them, you can always subscribe on Youtube.

How to Study in University (full playlist)

Looking to improve your grades? Start here.

Career planning and advice (playlist)

I’ve hired and managed hundreds of employees. Here are my best tips for your career.

Productivity and getting stuff done (playlist)

I’ve been obsessed with productivity for at least 20 years. Here’s everything I’ve learned condensed into a few short videos.